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时间:2015-08-14  / 编辑:danyang


  (26) Why do you choose US but not Canada or Germany?

  Because the United States has the most advanced technology and science in the world. I would like to persue a PhD deGREe in the United States but not in any other country.

  (27) Why do you want to pursue a doctor’s degree in the USA?

  A Ph.D. degree will help me to achieve my career goal. I would like to become a professor in a leading business school in China, and I am sure that a Ph.D. degree in the USA will help me to achieve my career goal.

  (28) Why not a Ph.D. degree in China?

  I’ve got my Bachelor degree at Peking University and Master degree at Tsinghua University. So, it’s quite reasonable for me to peruse my Ph.D. degree in the United States.You know, the United States has the most advanced techno logy and science in the world.

  (29) Why do you receive financial aid from this University? Why can you get scholarship? Why this university gave you the aid(funding)?

  I am a good student.As you may see from my documents, I have a Bachelor degree in Economics and Master degree in Management Science.I think such academic background should match the program very well.

  (30) What’s the difference between your current major and the major in USA?

  Now I major in Management Science and Engineering at Tsinghua University, an d I’ll continue to study in this area at Carnegie Mellon University.I don’t think there are too much differences between the two majors.

  (31) When and where did you take the GRE test? When did you take the TOEFL test? How much is your TOEFL score?

  I took my GMAT test on **.The score is **.I took my TOEFL test on ***。And the score is ***.

  (32) Where will you live?

  I’ll live in the dormitory of Carnegie Mellon University. I’ve applied for t he dormitory.

  (33) Where do you live?

  I am living in the dormitory at Tsinghua University.

  (34) How many universities have you applied? Which?

  I have applied for 5 universities。They are Carnegie Mellon University, HarvardUniversity, Stanford University, Duke University and UCLA.

  (35) Any other school admits you? So how many universities accept you?

  Among the five universities I have applied for, three gave me offers. They are Carnegie Mellon University, Duke University and UCLA.But I chose Carnegie Mellon University in the end.

  (36) What kind of good things do you know about America?

  America has the most advanced technology and science in the world.

  (37) What is your best/worst quality?

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硕博 | 本科 | MBA| 高中
英国| 加拿大| 香港

新加坡| 美国| 新西兰

托福| 雅思| GRE|
美国| 英国| 加拿大


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